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Image by Johann Siemens

Welcome to Adel Classical Academy

Providing Affordable Education Rooted in Biblical Truth.


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Our Mission

To partner with parents to bring Christian truth into every area of life by cultivating in students a passion for learning, a love of truth and a desire to engage in the culture and world around them in ways that glorify God.

Our vision is to create young men and women of high moral character who have the ability to think and reason critically through:

Biblical Truth

Our curriculum and teachers teach all subjects from a Biblical worldview. We focus on truth, beauty and goodness. We help students love the things that are worth loving. We believe all subjects have unity because all things are from Him, through Him, and to Him and find their ultimate purpose in glorifying God. We desire for our students to have a strong Biblical foundation so they can discern what is not truth in the world we live in.

Family Involvement

We are passionate about families and empowering them. We believe the success of a child's education comes from working as a team between school and family life. Therefore, we require parents to sign our Parent Covenant and agree to participate in their child's education. The family unit is the heart of why we do what we do at ACA.

God's Creation

The Lord gave us a world full of beauty to learn from. While the foundation of our school is Classical and based upon the Truth of the Bible, we believe that surrounding ourselves and learning from God's creation is a big part of that. We strive to bring His creation into the classroom as well as learn outside of the classroom by observing His creation ourselves.

Classical Education

We study material that liberates our children’s minds and hearts. We teach students to be critical thinkers who can problem solve and clearly communicate on tough issues. Students are not only taught what to learn, but how to learn for themselves. We teach students to lead with eloquence, we inspire depth and wisdom, and we help cultivate rightly ordered affections. We do this through subjects which are taught as an integrated whole according to the developmental stage of students.

"Christ-Centered but not isolated from the world and the culture around us."

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